We love working with all kinds of families:

Couples with one child, multi-generational families, single-parent families, multi-ethnic families, and families with adopted children

Constructive arguing gets harder as more people are involved - new issues are raised, some people agree, somebody feels ganged up on, people who were agreeing start to disagree, voices get louder in order to be heard…

The first step in family therapy is communication - establishing rules and patterns that allow everybody to be heard.


Issues we can work on

(This is definitely not a comprehensive list)

Coping with the loss of a loved one (Grief)

Feeling hopeless about future (Depression)

Always stressful jobs (e.g., teachers, youth and social workers, lawyers, law enforcement, first responders) (Anxiety)

Sexual abuse and assault (whether or not you’re ready to call it that) (Trauma)

Adapting your parenting when your child goes to college (Relationships)

Racial identity and overcoming historical trauma (Identity)

Acknowledging addiction and creating a plan (Addiction)

Parents who don’t understand/respect your choices (e.g., religious differences, 1st-gen/2nd-gen immigration, personality differences) (Relationships)

Children who don’t understand/appreciate your hopes for their lives (Relationships)

Creating a healthy relationship with masculinity (Identity)

Stresses of being a single parent (Anxiety)

Exploring an open relationship or polyamory (Relationships)

Loss of religious identity and finding a sense of purpose (Spirituality)

Processing a life-altering medical diagnosis (Trauma)

Exploring gender identity and nonconformity (Identity)

Feeling hopeless about the future (Depression)

Things aren’t good but your partner won’t do therapy (Relationships)

Exploring a new religious tradition (or unaffiliation) (Spirituality)

Navigating the stresses of college and being on your own (Anxiety)

Maintain sobriety and looking beyond coping to create new sources of excitement and joy in living (Addiction)

Constructing your post-divorce sense of self (Identity)

The sandwich generation (you have young children and your own parents are aging) (Relationships)

Finding a new purpose after retirement (Purpose)

Teens/Preteens struggling with siblings, classmates, and/or bullying (Relationships)

Veterans and first responders (Trauma)

Charting your path after graduation from college - adapting hopes and identifying new opportunities (Purpose)